The Nature of Dogs
“It is important to be mindful that a dog is a canid, not a human primate.”
Nature has endowed these amazing creatures with the necessary physical, sensory and instinctual gifts for survival that domestic dogs have inherited from wolves. As pet parents it is important to honor their unique traits and needs.
The Nature of Dogs
Before the invention of ultra-processed dog food (kibble), dogs ate what humans discarded or spared. Canids are omnivores, but primarily carnivores. Their diet needs to be primarily that of animal protein but also healthy fats and carbohydrates. If you must feed your dog kibble, look for brands that contain over 60% crude protein. The three brands I recommend: The Farmer’s Dog, Instinct and Merrick.
If you are interested in learning what unprocessed human foods provide dogs with the best nutritional value please ask me during a training session.
The Nature of Dogs
Daily Exercise:
I emphasize the word Daily. Wolves in the wild roam approximately 40 miles a day and dogs have inherited this trait. It is a misconception that a 15-minute walk or unattended time in the backyard is considered exercise for dogs over 15 pounds. The following activities meet the daily anaerobic exercise requirements for a canid
1 hour per day of any or a combination of
Dog Park Play
Fetch and Frisbee
Agility Training
Play Dates
Long Lead running/biking/trailing
Rough Play with companion dog(s) and human(s)
The Nature of Dogs
Mental Activities:
Often neglected due to misconception, canids require mental stimulation of a different nature than primates.
Sensory stimulation is mostly transmitted via their highly developed sense of smell which occupies 35% of their brain function (5% for humans). The following activities meet the daily olfaction requirements for a candid
1-2 (15-30 minute) Sniffari or trailing walks
Snuffle Mats
Nose Work games such as “Find It”, “Hide the Treat” “Follow the Treat Trail”
Cognitive development is crucial to a puppy, adult, or senior dog’s mental wellness. The following activities meet the daily cognitive requirements for a candid:
Obedience Training
Brain Games Training
Cognitive Toys
Hide and Seek
The Nature of Dogs
Dogs need time to be with their own kind. Dogs love human companionship and being a part of their pack but it is equally important for them to be with their own kind. Dogs communicate, play and learn from each other in ways that are unique to their own species. It is important for a dog to leave the busy world of humans as often as the pet parents are willing and able to accommodate. The following activities are beneficial for a well balance pet companion
Dog Park Play
Dog Beaches
Play Dates with family, friends and neighbors
Walks in different locations
Road Trip
Visit a Pet-Friendly business
The Nature of Dogs
Routine veterinary check-ups are crucial for preventive care, addressing potential health issues before they escalate. Integrating holistic practices like acupuncture, massage, and alternative therapies further enhances the overall wellness.
Being mindful of the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional aspects of canid health, integrated wellness strategies provide a holistic framework for pet owners. This approach not only extends the lifespan of pets but also ensures a higher quality of life, fostering a deep and fulfilling bond between humans and their beloved furry companions.